Create a plan that focuses on Dividend Yield, Growth, and Capital Appreciation to enhance your investment potential. We are here to help you find strategies that match your goals and speed up your journey to financial independence.
Dividend Investing Calculator
Initial Investment:
Annual Deposit:
Years Invested:
Capital Appreciation:
Dividend Growth Rate:
Expected Annual Dividend Yield:


What is the Point of Using a Dividend Investing Calculator?

Dividends aren’t guaranteed, but a dividend investing calculator can help you see what returns and growth you need for financial freedom. Knowing what you stand to gain can motivate you to get started.

What Is Drip?

DRIP, or Dividend Reinvestment Plan, is a strategy where investors reinvest dividends into additional stock shares instead of receiving cash. This can lead to compounding growth as investors accumulate more shares over time. Many companies offer DRIPs with low or no fees and discounts on shares. Overall, DRIP effectively enhances investment portfolio value through consistent reinvestment.

Why do dividends Matter?

Dividend payments usually increase over time, along with share prices. This results in higher profits and more income per share, giving you extra money without having to work for it.

What is a typical dividend rate?

Dividend rates of all kinds exist. Typically 2%-7% A general rule of thumb the higher the yield the less growth you can expect to receive. This does not apply to all stocks and research is required to make the best choice

Dividend Calculations Photo

Where will your portfolio be in 10 years?

Find out how a dividend investing calculator can help you plan for an early retirement. This tool lets you estimate future dividend payments and how dividends might increase over 10 years, even if you choose not to reinvest your dividends.

One Time and Done!

A lump sum payment today in the right investment can pay off in ways you couldn’t imagine. This calculator is made to show you how dividends can continue to grow contributing to higher income.


You will notice in the beginning the investment stays almost flat. However as you start to look at 10, 20 ,30 years the investment income really starts to blossom and produce substantial payments.

Brought to you by YourFavoriteInvestor